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Guiding Principles

My actions are guided by an appreciation that people everywhere across the earth, with their many diverse traditions and cultures, are part of one human family.


I have pledged to live by the following principles:


  • Generosity: Sharing time, energy, and resources with those who are in need and defending against those who profit from the mistreatment of people and the environment.


  • Openness: Being open to insights and experiences of other people, speaking out about situations of injustice and working to end fanaticism and intolerance in all of its forms.


  • Acceptance: Respecting the right of others to be different in their conduct and beliefs and opposing the use of authority, threat, money, propaganda, or indoctrination to stifle free thought and acquisition of knowledge.


  • Understanding: Engaging in deep listening and caring speech, speaking truthfully, refraining from using words that cause suffering, discord, division or hatred, and making every effort to keep communications open and to resolve conflicts in which I am involved, large or small.


  • Interconnection: Promoting friendship, peace and reconciliation among individuals, families, communities and nations.


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